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Morbi egestas ultricies est. Proin eu odio nibh. Praesent venenatis mi vitae pharetra porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed dolor pulvinar, dapibus augue non, tincidunt nibh. Curabitur et elit commodo, dictum diam sed, dapibus enim. Integer et pulvinar leo, condimentum maximus diam. Phasellus imperdiet urna in tortor vestibulum porta eget ac metus.

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Why Do Families Choose Freeman Academy?

Aligned In Faith

We provide a culture of kindness, where teachers intentionally model Christian values and help your child grow in their relationships with God and others. 

Girl taking notes in class

Rooted In Wisdom

Students will experience a fun and challenging curriculum — often in multi-grade classrooms — and have real-world learning opportunities.

Two boys working on a science project

Devoted In Service

At Freeman Academy, your child will put Christian values into action through service projects and special programs designed to model God’s love. 

Two girls on swings giving each other high fives

“For more than a decade, we've had students at Freeman Academy. We prize the school not only for the education our children have received, but for the way they have been nurtured in the values that matter to us. The level of dedication to their personal growth and well-being is truly unmatched.”

- Freeman Academy Parent

748 S. Main St., Freeman, SD 57029   |   (605) 210-5776

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Looking for quality, faith-based education in southeast South Dakota?

Discover discipleship, strong academics, and a focus on creativity at Freeman Academy by downloading a Parent Info Packet.

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Our beautiful campus is in a small, rural town, and we create safe spaces where students are taught to honor and respect themselves and others.

Healthy Environment

Healthy Environment Icon

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Freeman Academy started as a college, and we continue to use some of the dorms to welcome international students and students within the United States whose families live farther away.

On-Campus Living

On-Campus Living Icon

Our aim is for students to develop a love of God, love of learning, love of others, and love of themselves. We help them reach those goals through dedicated teachers, inspiring chapel services, and an insightful Bible curriculum.


Discipleship Icon

We place a high value on the arts, so students experience excellent music education and explore the visual arts, including pottery, painting, and drawing. 

Creative Expression

Creative Expression Icon
Freeman Academy Logo
Freeman Academy Logo
Freeman Academy Logo
Freeman Academy Logo